Rhubarb Greek Yogurt Ice Cream

May 9, 2014 § Leave a comment

That’s my mom. This was on a spontaneous trip my parents took to visit me in Seattle last summer. We both were having great hair days. In honor of her I made some rhubarb ice cream.

You see, my mom loves rhubarb and she taught me to love it as well. And I always think of her when I use it in my cooking. There are a lot of other things that remind me of my mom, like when I pray with one of my patients, when I make a bed with hospital corners, while bread rises or when I read a great book and want to tell her about it. She’s taught me a lot of important life lessons.

Since it’s Mother’s Day weekend it may be a cliche time to wax on about how great my mom is but I believe there is never a bad time to tell someone you love them. So Mom, I love you! I’m glad you’re my mom. Thanks for putting up with my tears over school projects, cooking lots of dinners and teaching me to be a gracious host. Don’t worry, I’ll make this ice cream when we visit in August, just have the rhubarb ready.

The rhubarb and greek yogurt combo is tangy and creamy all at once. I chose to not strain the ice cream to leave in all the delicious rhubarb bits but if you want a smoother version feel free to strain it before you cool it. I’m already dreaming about this again as the perfect compliment to a summer pie. Enjoy!Ingredients

  • 2 cups chopped rhubarb
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 cup plain greek yogurt ice cream
  • pinch of salt

To Make

1) Put rhubarb and 1/4 cup of sugar in medium sauce pan and bring to a boil. Let sit over medium heat until sugar is mixed in and rhubarb is starting to break down, about 10 minutes. Add in milk and whipped cream. Let sit just until mixture starts to simmer, or small bubbles appear around the edges.

2) In medium bowl whisk the other 1/4 cup sugar and egg yolks until smooth. Add in 1 cup of cream mixture at a time, whisking constantly to temper the eggs. Return mixture to saucepan and put over medium-low heat. Stir until mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon.

3) Pour mixture into bowl and put in an ice bath. Let sit until completely cool. Can be refrigerated overnight. When mixture is cool, prepare according to ice cream maker directions. Freeze for several hours before serving. Enjoy!

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